terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2009

Today i'm going to make reference to a great short movie

It's interesting how we can have alter-egos. Being two are more persons in the same body. Seems like a ghostly possession. But in fact people some times create other alter egos to ease the pain in live. It's like when we are in our happy place. it's a way also to experience all sorts of feelings. In Portugal there is a great example, Fernando Pessoa, whose poems are studied all over the world to understand that puzzle that we call his mind.

segunda-feira, 16 de novembro de 2009

"Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn."
Charlie Parker

Everyone can be defined by his or her actions, our about their clothing, but the most peculiar way is through the music. Metal, reggae, drum and base, punk, pop, rock, techno, you name it. But theres in everyone a special song who can really tell who you are, that talks about your life, that understands you (kind of a best friend on an I-pod). If you ask me, I think I would pick the song Scream of Chris Cornell. But then again i'm a diverse guy that hears almost all kinds of music and i can link them to various moments. So i think that what Charlie Parker is saying is that music ,like I said before, define us and if we don't have one we don't have a life. So for those who still don't have a musical spirit, my advise is to get a life and live it!

quarta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2009

Side by side or miles apart, dear friends are always close to the heart.

Unknown Author

When the bound of two friends is strong, anything can't destroy it. Life is a journey that we don't need to take on our own. True that we make our story and decide what's our end. But in this jorney we meet people, get to know them and make friends with. But theres always the special ones that we're more attached too. Friends tht are always there supporting us to go through, friends that from a glance we can feel that we can trust them. That special union, that special friendship join hearts and it cannot be destroyed. The distance, the sudden changes, nothing, because you have that person in your heart. And in my experience it's hard but worth it, even if some of your friends turn into big jerks and suddendly after years of friendship they ignore you,but even if it hurts can be above that , because if you can fight for your friendship, and if you succeed then great another victory in life, if not great because at leas you did something and tried you tried to save and you counsciness can be clean. But eyes opens anyway because someday you might get stabbed in the back. And believe me it hurts so much.

sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2009

“By persisting in your path, though you forfeit the little, you gain the great.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Each one of us have our own specialty in live. As times goes by, and kill us by the second, everyone searches for what are they good at. This quote means that we should stick to our specialty and do great things. but to became "great" we need to commit to it, even if we feel like letting go we can't give up. For those who search theres a rainbow full of things that we can and should try. and like i said before, time is killing us by the second, so hurry up, and search for your path to achieve greatness and through it give meaning to your live.

terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2009


Hi everyone and welcome to FlashQuotes! In this blog once a week i'm going to present photos that will be followed by a famous quotes, by wise people. The goal of this blog is for all of the online viewers have a debate and a discussion about the ideas that are showned every week. Kinda of a philosophical ideals exchange between people. So here it is the first photo of the week:

“It is requisite for the relaxation of the mind that we make use, from time to time, of playful deeds and jokes”
by St. Thomas Aquinas

Today ,in all countries, we see people talking about what they want to do but don't have time for it! The reasons? Jobs. In the big cities all moves in a fast way (or maybe we should say stressful). All the noise of the city can make anyone nuts. In this stress plus the stress of your working place we waste our energy, making our life (and maybe the lives of our friends and family) miserable. This quote is not saying that we shouldn't work but we should manage our time so we can rest also. We need to relax and have fun! So my advise for all that rest is just laying on the sofa and watch tv, or for those o work 24/7, is to live life. Take a stroll with your family or friends, tell jokes, play the guitar and laugh, because laying down and watch tv and working all the time isn't living life, but it's a living hell.